Facility Design

Design-assist to ensure designs and calculations coincide with proven methods, equipment, and systems already operational in other world-class facilities.

Design An Optimized Facility

Facility design is one of the most challenging and exciting chapters of starting a new cannabis business. Designing and building a facility, whether a cultivation facility, dispensary, or extraction lab, is a costly, complicated, and time-consuming process. Cultivation facilities are sophisticated purpose-built machines that perform dozens of essential functions, including maintaining environments with tight temperature and humidity controls, providing consistent and steady air circulation, performing rapid air exchanges, and preserving sanitation and security at all times. Dispensaries must be warm, welcoming, and inviting but also flexible and adaptable to cater to the many unique needs of patients and customers. Laboratories must be sterile, efficient, and safe. No matter which facility you plan to operate, there are hundreds of variables to consider throughout the design process. The facility design and engineering will have a significant impact on your operational efficiency, profitability, and the company’s overall financial success. Before the conceptual design process begins, Catalyst will perform zoning and market analysis to determine the facility size/layout and spec essential equipment such as power, HVAC, cultivation lighting, and water purity. Zoning laws are different in each municipality but may include location and square footage restrictions, safety and security rules, and even environmental regulations. Zoning requirements will undoubtedly play a meaningful role in the design of your facility. 

Catalyst BC provides design-assist services and works with architectural and engineering teams to ensure designs and calculations coincide with proven methods, equipment, and systems already operational in other world-class facilities. Many facility designs appear functional on a blueprint. However, design flaws quickly rear their ugly heads and impede and impact operations once operational or after several grow cycles. These flaws often reduce crop health and performance or, worse, can cause catastrophic crop failure. In addition, once a facility is operating, it can be challenging and extremely costly to change the mechanical systems or layout. Therefore, being hyper-diligent during the design phase is critical to ensure optimal functionality. However, without operational experience, it’s easy to oversimplify the facility design and equipment selection process. There are many considerations to evaluate when designing and engineering your facility. Relying on Catalyst BC operational experience can ensure that no detail goes unnoticed, and your facility (or facilities) operate with maximum efficiency, quality, and consistency.  

Depending on your company’s needs, Catalyst BC will collaborate with architects and engineers through every step of the design process, from zoning and market analysis to conceptual design through completion. Our team of experts will guide and design a purpose-built facility that maximizes workflow efficiency, employee productivity, accountability, while reducing the risk of internal and external contamination throughout the facility. To drive performance and operational excellence, Catalyst BC will incorporate Lean Manufacturing and Six Sigma methodologies into the design process and the design itself. These methodologies focus on process efficiency and product quality by defining and mapping the value stream, establishing a smooth operational flow, eliminating waste, and pursuing perfection with the goal of unrestricted and consistent process flow. Without a systematic and free-flowing operation, production becomes unpredictable and bottlenecked, forcing haphazard decision making. Maintaining consistent quality, throughput, and workflow are all essential to the success of your business – and that starts with the facility design.

If you’re interested in learning more about Facility Design-Assist support and service offerings, fill out this form, and we will contact you to schedule a no-cost introductory consultation.

Key Factors To Keep In Mind When Designing A Cannabis Cultivation Facility


Choose a suitable location for your cannabis cultivation facility. Factors to consider include access to utilities, proximity to markets, local regulations, security, and availability of skilled labor.

Facility Size

Determine the size of your facility based on your production goals and available resources. Consider factors such as the number of plants, cultivation methods (indoor, greenhouse, or outdoor), and future expansion possibilities.


Implement robust security measures to protect your facility and products. This may include surveillance cameras, access control systems, intrusion detection, and secure storage areas.

Climate Control

Create a controlled environment to ensure optimal growing conditions. This involves regulating temperature, humidity, airflow, and light levels. HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) systems, dehumidifiers, fans, and supplemental lighting may be necessary.


Determine the lighting requirements based on your cultivation method. For indoor facilities, consider using high-intensity discharge (HID) lights, LED lights, or a combination of both. Greenhouses can utilize natural sunlight supplemented with artificial lighting as needed.

Irrigation And Water Management

Develop an efficient irrigation system to deliver water and nutrients to the plants. Consider using automated systems that monitor and adjust water levels based on plant needs. Implement water recycling or conservation measures to minimize wastage.

Ventilation And Odor Control

Proper ventilation helps maintain a healthy growing environment and controls odors. Install exhaust fans, carbon filters, and odor-neutralizing systems to manage smells associated with cannabis cultivation.

Cultivation Method

Determine the cultivation method that aligns with your goals and available resources. Options include soil-based cultivation, hydroponics, aeroponics, or aquaponics. Each method has its own requirements and benefits.

Workflow And Efficiency

Design your facility layout to optimize workflow and productivity. Consider factors such as the arrangement of growing areas, post-harvest processing areas, storage, and staff movement.

Compliance With Regulations

Familiarize yourself with local, regional, and national regulations governing cannabis cultivation. Ensure your facility design adheres to all applicable regulations, including building codes, safety standards, security requirements, and environmental considerations.


Consider implementing sustainable practices in your facility design. This may include energy-efficient lighting, water conservation measures, waste management systems, and renewable energy sources. Remember, it's essential to consult with an expert cannabis cultivation, facility design, and local regulations to ensure a successful and compliant facility design.

Never Neglect Regulations For Cannabis Cultivation Facility Design

Cannabis cultivation is heavily regulated in many jurisdictions. It's crucial to understand and comply with local, regional, and national regulations governing building codes, safety standards, security requirements, environmental considerations, and licensing requirements. It is important to work with industry professionals like Catalyst BC to understand these regulations.

Consider Cannabis Cultivation Grow Facility Design To Optimize Workflow and Efficiency.

Work with experts at Catalyst BC to Design your facility layout to optimize workflow by considering the arrangement of growing areas, post-harvest processing areas, storage, and staff movement. Consult with experts in facility design and cannabis cultivation to ensure efficient operations.

Sustainability Measures To Consider For Your Cannabis Cultivation Facility Design

Work with our experts to implement sustainable practices such as energy-efficient lighting, water conservation measures, waste management systems, and renewable energy sources to minimize environmental impact and reduce costs. Aside from facility design, you may also be interested in getting help with business strategy and financial planning to ensure the success of your cannabis business venture.

Other Services

Why work With Cultivation Grow Facility Design Experts?

Working with cultivation grow facility design experts is beneficial because they possess specialized knowledge and experience in designing cannabis cultivation facilities, ensuring compliance with regulations, optimizing facility layouts for efficiency, and providing customized solutions based on your specific needs. They can save you time, mitigate risks, and enhance the overall success of your operation.

Working with cannabis cultivation facility design experts can save you time, mitigate risks, and enhance the overall success of your operation. Their specialized knowledge and experience can help you create an efficient, compliant, and profitable cultivation facility.

Catalyst BC provides design-assist services and works with architectural and engineering teams to ensure designs and calculations coincide with proven methods, equipment, and systems already operational in other world-class facilities. Many facility designs appear functional on a blueprint. However, design flaws quickly rear their ugly heads and impede and impact operations once operational or after several growth cycles. These flaws often reduce crop health and performance or, worse, can cause catastrophic crop failure. In addition, once a facility is operating, it can be challenging and extremely costly to change the mechanical systems or layout.

Therefore, being hyper-diligent during the design phase is critical to ensure optimal functionality. However, without operational experience, it’s easy to oversimplify the facility design and equipment selection process. There are many considerations to evaluate when designing and engineering your facility. Relying on Catalyst BC’s operational experience can ensure that no detail goes unnoticed and that your facility (or facilities) operate with maximum efficiency, quality, and consistency.

Frequently Asked Questions

Factors to consider include location, facility size, security, climate control, lighting, irrigation and water management, ventilation and odor control, cultivation method, workflow and efficiency, compliance with regulations, and sustainability.

The best cultivation method depends on various factors such as available resources, climate, regulations, and production goals. Common methods include soil-based cultivation, hydroponics, aeroponics, and aquaponics.

Implement robust security measures including surveillance cameras, access control systems, intrusion detection, and secure storage areas. It’s important to comply with local security regulations and consult security experts.

Contact Us

Enough about us. We want to hear more about you, your project, and your vision! Get in touch with a real live person today. Don’t worry, we don’t have a long, confusing phone menu, and your email isn’t going to the abyss, we promise. At Catalyst, we provide the service and support we’d want to experience ourselves!