Jun 21 2023

Galaxy Labs

The Catalyst BC Team was hired to support Galaxy Labs LLC, our Illinois Social Equity Craft Cultivator/Extractor to carefully plan, design, and specify complex phased construction. While our Galaxy Labs team is versed in complex construction, there were many nuances we were not initially confident of and expert guidance (from “sherpas”, as they often say), was deeply important to us. The Catalyst BC Team provided broad and deep insights critical to controlling current and later costs and preparing for high quality, high consistency, and high output from a modest footprint. From helping to vet the design team to furnishing internal Control Budgets and Gantt CPM schedules, Catalyst BC brought sophistication and confidence to our A/E/C process. In a few days, Galaxy Labs will launch live, well-positioned to cultivate high-quality craft cannabis with proprietary and bespoke Allele genetics in a state-of-the-art controlled environment indoor agriculture facility. We recommend the Catalyst BC Team to anyone looking to reduce costs, to increase yields, productivity, quality, and consistency, and to increase enterprise value.

Michelle Ringold – Managing Partner

by Michelle Ringold

Recent posts

Feb 21 2024

Signs It’s Time to Bring in a Consultant

The cannabis industry is thriving, yet rapid growth brings about intricate challenges. Within this dynamic landscape, even the most experienced business owners encounter unfamiliar territory.
This is where a cannabis consultant becomes an invaluable guide. But when should you consider bringing in expert help?
In this post, we’ll illuminate the telltale signs it`s time to bring in a consultant’s expertise. We’ll address various challenges, from operational and financial hurdles to marketing obstacles, giving you the insights you need to make informed decisions about the future of your business.

So, get ready to explore the green rush with us and ensure that your cannabis venture not only survives but thrives.

Contact Us

Enough about us. We want to hear more about you, your project, and your vision! Get in touch with a real live person today. Don’t worry, we don’t have a long, confusing phone menu, and your email isn’t going to the abyss, we promise. At Catalyst, we provide the service and support we’d want to experience ourselves!